Yoga is a set of mental, physical, and spiritual exercises that originated in ancient India. The purpose of Yoga is to still the mind and recognize that we are a detached witness. The more we practice Yoga, the closer we will come to this goal. The following are some examples of the different postures, breathing techniques, and other aspects of Yoga. Listed below are some of the most important benefits of practicing Yoga. Once you understand these benefits, you’ll be ready to dive into Yoga.
The earliest mention of yoga dates back to over 5,000 years ago in northern India. The Rig Veda, the oldest of the vedas, contains over one thousand hymns and 200 mantras. Priests of the Vedic age practiced yoga and refined its technique, and later in the Upanishads, over 200 scriptures, Rishis refined the practice. The Upanishads, or “Sacraments of Wisdom,” are the most influential texts in the history of yoga.
A recent variation of yoga, power yoga, involves a faster paced form of practice, where practitioners move rapidly from pose to pose. Power yoga has shown to improve many physical and mental health problems, such as traumatic brain injury. Additionally, Yoga has been recommended for substance abuse and smoking cessation. Yoga has many benefits, and has been embraced by the U.S. military and the National Institutes of Health. Thousands of studies have proven the positive effects of Yoga for patients suffering from chronic pain.
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